I had to think about this
Think about me
About the life I live...
The people around me,
The people that make a mark - an impression
The people who may have an influence,
Those who may have impacted in some form or fashion...
- There are people that will always be outside...
Never touch the surface, never touch within...
Within the centre of me.
Never discover,
Never uncover the true mystery...
A mystery that keeps me.
The glow you see, the smile protruded
The radiance, the victory in my eyes...
The strength in my weakness...
You'll feel the warmth of my compassion
The brunt of my love
The fire in my gaze; my joy unfazed
You'll come to know the power of my praise...
This smile on my face
You will see - All of me
but would you know me?
Would you care to see?
What lurks underneath the surface...
Where transitions take place and choices are made -
fears unspoken, as a brave stance takes form to brace
an unknown world, with all its insecurites, obscurities,
lies, deception, entrapment and struggles...
- the brutality and injustices some face each day -
My transition will effect the change I wish to see;
A new day of possibility, improvement and hope.
They say, 'Faith can move mountains,' I believe this is so...
What will be will be, if not for me
but for someone else to rise above
To grow in purpose and expand -
Lending a hand for opportunity to foster
Showing a smile for us to prosper
One vision - not a vision about one -
A vision to embrace a collective body.
A body that understands and shares a belief!
Shackles weren't broken in futility
Freedom was not granted without a price
Knowledge was not afforded to few but
to those who wish to seek it...
Love unmerited, untarnished, unfettered
and in abundance...
This is so because value is placed on the little things
the infinite details that would make a difference in our outcome.
I believe in making those steps
Not because of any grand idea;
to have humility is more profitable to me than to the one without it.
The wealth of it is a resourceful commodity
Although it is discarded for the tangible things that money can buy...
Yet I cannot deny the immeasurable value it is to the one who attains it.
Thereby guided by a greater desire than to satisfy self and the lust derived from it.
So that life is preserved and rewarded...
It takes courage to be different and forbearance to stand alone.
Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2009
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