Sunday, June 14, 2009


You say I love you

You say I want you

You say I need you

Hands and fingers intermingle, lips lock, bodies tingle...

Souls respond, hearts grow fond at the thought of love's bond.

Laughter, comfort and consolation add to the brew for love's recipe

Heartbreaks, sorrows and hurts contribute to its decay - a mate's misery...

Shared commonalities, personalities, desires, hopes and dreams
Seem like the perfect match for two souls to become one.

An attractive smile, seductive lips and eyes, 

Curvaceous hips and thighs, make the heart flutter...

Stirs a bodily reaction to approach with interest and makes them stutter!

A gorgeous bod, lean biceps and a tight bum
is like honey; nectar that makes the bees come...

Tall and charming with a handsome portfolio

Is the key to unlocking a wanton damsel's prize possession

An alluring addiction; a longing obsession...

Humility, chastity, virtue and ambition are qualities one should not ignore

Key traits to adore and not abhor

To depict, is one's bid to find a true mate - 

one like- in -kind - we must not separate,

For love is in the enduring,

In the growing and in the living

It comprises the strengths harnessed by faith,

The power of compassion

The willingness to believe and 

The goodness of hope...

The finite qualities birthed in the spirit realm

not in the physical realm - out of sight,

But seen in plain light...

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2009

March 15,2009

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