Sometimes we meet obstacles in our way and stumble
Cause we fail to look beyond or even find solutions to
turn those stumbling blocks into opportunities
Yes we are faced with obstacles daily and new challenges arise
and confront us...
Trials occur and we are tested, physically, mentally and spiritually.
On a personal level, it is easier to speak of faith, of overcoming when there is calmness
However, when the storm brews - the winds of the storm blow hither and yon and when the heat rages and the fire crackles, the true test of faith dawns.
So many happenings in the world; there's production and destruction.
Crime is rampant and as a result of it, people are fearful.
Would fear take over and replace our faith?
What is this faith we have in us to know that if we go through one door we'll get to the other side of that door?
Is it 'something' that gives us confidence to know the result of a given action?
Does it go beyond natural thinking or reasoning to presuppose an action, reaction or result?
We live in perilous times where faith is questioned; where's the source?
We attach ourselves to random beliefs to try to understand the things we don't or wish not to fathom or to discern meaning to things that occur in our daily lives. We want fulfillment, we want purpose to have a holistic life.
Everyone believes in something and as time passes and the days shorten - like the reclaiming of land by the sea - so too does one gravitate to philosophies and schools of thought that may explain the madness or behavioural patterns of the human mind or paranormal activities or events.
Does life have a time span; the very existence of the world, does it stop at some point? Does time reclaim itself and withdraw or retract to what was? If so what is to be the fate of mankind or the world? Would there be vastness or would there be abandonment?
Is it a continual flow or movement of energy that is never exhausted?
We say, 'Time is precious'... what does that mean? We could never reclaim it, it could never be reversed, yet we believe we can control it...'One life to live', 'Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die...', 'Live your life' but 'Live once, die twice'? Can we control our fates, our destinies, our lives? What's next?
Time is precious, death is eventual... 'Life is fickle...' How can we attach certainty to life?
What exactly is this life that we live, if at the end of it all... we wither away without leaving lasting impressions?
What about a life gone too soon, as this is the time we live in... You've raped my land, took away my precious daughters and sons... The excuses that you give are just that, meaningless words that could never explain, give back a life lost or replace the memories, or reasons of why!
These are the times, when new life is brought forth, where parents are cautious and sometimes fearful to release their offspring to society... Who will watch over them, who will protect them from the harsh reality that is... the corruption that befalls a nation, the hatred that contaminates the air - no one has patience anymore... No one speaks, apologizes, discusses, make up... Can we kiss and make up? Hug one another and forgive, forget and let go of the past?
Could we? Free the minds of brothers and sisters from mental slavery...?
Is it really a hustle? The pace at which we move through time... the days turn into night and yet another day is upon us... I recently heard that money is the greatest religion!
Yet religious beliefs dictate that money is the root of all evil... Is there a conflict somewhere?
These are the times... some die for it... some do anything for it... Would you sell your brother for a mere bowl of porridge? Think on this...
Are we in fact thinking... Are we seeing what isn't so evident... Are you listening with keen ears? The music that flood the airwaves, the lyrics that our young ones pump in their brains without understanding... They know the words by heart, yet ask them to read or spell and you realize we have a crisis!!!
Tell me are we sleeping? Is it affecting us?
Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2009
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