Sunday, February 4, 2018

Stay Hungry?

Mural by Joseph John Jones (1909-1963)

Belly full and still hungry
Eating for today and for tomorrow even
Who knows what will be

Bread, rice and peas and a little sugar
Essentials for basic living and some shelter
Those who pray, pray for daily bread
Those who grind, grind harder to eat

Starvation breeds hunger
The struggle is real and God is real too
for those who believe in higher

So they push and push to “make it”
for a piece of the pie and the taste of success

Champagne dreams many drink till drunk
Thirsty for the high life; who knows the price tag
But it won’t quench the desire

Fire burns
and the souls of many perish
While some soar on Cloud 9

Life is a dichotomy of two worlds:
Those who have and those who have not
The rain falls on all.

Those who believe only the strong survive
Prey on the weak
Preach money and power rules
Man elevates himself as God
while many sit in the pews, confessing sins
to men of the cloth.

A world within worlds, this life
but change remains constant
and so too, the poor and the wealthy

And if there be any absolutes
Who will stay hungry and who will be fed?

Written By: Rachael N. Collymore
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