Monday, December 13, 2010

Bleeding Registered & Protected

I wish to purge myself 

Rid myself of all the waste and unwanted matter.

I do not want the heavy load, the baggage, the rubbish...

Cause it is what it is...

Fears fear me and not the other way around...

Call me crazy, call me insane

Take this pain and rip its heart out... 

There'll be no life left for it to live.

Hurt has no place in my life - not anymore...

Yet, right now I am bleeding...

Bleeding these words from my soul

Blotting out everything meaningless...

These red splotches have purpose -

Each drop of blood won't go unnoticed.

I'm planting this seed...

Deep in the recesses of your mind...

To the conscious and to those unconscious - I will shake you!

Give you a rude awakening... 

Too much sleeping leaves you sluggish and unprepared...

I want to attack the sick and rid the disease that plagues your mind.

I will move like a swam of antibodies fighting to sustain a life form...

White blood cells that you are

A new breed must germinate -

Must emanate from within - 

Something greater must emerge 

Than what is and what was -

We need to harvest a healthy produce:

Conscious minded

Critical thinkers

Leaders and Revolutionists


and not CLONES for people.

I am BLEEDING for souls

The ultimate sacrifice I must give that I could win a few...

Win you and convert many for the WAR - 

Cause if you have not noticed or realised -

We are in crisis - a desperate situation - making us instable...

Cutting us at our feet that we might not stand,

Bruising our headS! 

How can we think straight if our brain is out of whack?

Too many fools striving for Independence instead of Interdependence -

cause we need one another... we are a chain link.

If one link is weak, it weakens the whole...

Is it for lack of want that we compete and fight one another for the top spot?

The blind is surely leading the blind and I am irate because

for so much intelligence, it seems to be that we have lost our way:

Each one wants his or her own turf or piece of the pie...

Like the prodigal son, I want my inheritance now and 

you're yet to understand or appreciate value and what you have now -

GREED! Cause somebody told you, you had to climb that ladder!

And whatever you do or did to get there, the end  justifies the means...

Some fool said so and now we're living a rat race!

Survival of the fittest - kill or be killed!

The laws of the jungle seem to govern you and like animals

you live by the laws for lack of control.

You need to be controlled or there'll be chaos.

The word, 'harmony' does not factor in here

at some point, it fell to the wayside - lost and forgotten.

Erased from our memories...

But I'll plant a seed, deep in the recesses of your mind to germinate

Imprint it and etch it - impressing firmly on your mind...

So you'll remember:

The blood is red!

I'll blot out the profane and the insane...

These red splotches have purpose -

You MUST remember and know that when you cut me,


Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Coloured Girls... Registered & Protected

I saw Tyler Perry's, "For Colored Girls" and it shook me.

Overwhelmed by grief - A sad reality of the 'sisters' and of those who loved and lost.

I can't divorce myself from this imminent pain.

I can't separate me from 'she', from he who defiled her.

Pent up rage...

Mixed emotions bottled within me.

Uncontrollable emotions; anger, hurt, pain, anguish, shame...

"How could he?" No no no...

How could we? How could we?

Day by day, we turn a blind eye to the daunting reality of a society gone bad.

In need of a cleansing from within, to purge the horror that pervades the day, the night -

The streets, the homes... the colour, red.

Ashen. Stained by death that lurked and knocked on each broken door.

Battered and bruised. Unseen scars on a trampled heart and a dying soul.

There IS a "missing generation"!

I saw a mirror image of today; a reflection that rocked my core.

For Colored Girls...  

and we wonder why.

and we wonder why.

We've walked on graves for too long.

Pain rules us; pumps the adrenaline in our brain to keep us moving.

- I could take it... My back is broad

... or so you think!

These delicate limbs of mine,

these hips and thighs...

My bossom pillows your child... The one you denied - was yours!

Blessed womb of mine...

Cursed seed of those who can't tend to their own. 

... and we wonder why. 

How dare you! This flesh and blood is worth nothing to you...

but you use it and abuse it.

taking all my stuff!!! 

Robbing me... Cha!

Thought you took it all away and left me empty.

but these dry bones live.

these dry bones live.

My love's too...

You can't take that away.

Don't close your eyes. I want you to see.

Sorry does me no good.
Sorry does me no good...

but I got life.

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2010

When love is not love Registered & Protected

Love goes cold... eventually

When love was not love

So it seems to be - momentarily

When love is not love

The feelings die and fall into a casket

Love stares blindly...

Beyond eyes that were romantic

Downwards where the grave was buried.

Blood drains from a face that blushed

At the sight of you - now pale

A heart shattered and crushed

Whatever this was, it failed

Non-existent, all memories erased...

This was simply a childish phase.

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2010

Disclaimer: Just felt like writing and flowed with it...

Silent observer Registered & Protected

It is very easy to love you...

A silent observer; inquisitive eyes trail you -

Tracing your footsteps - the pathway upon which you stood...

Yes - it is very easy to love you...

Let your hands work its magic - interwoven lines - my soul will sing.

My lips will echo your sentiments, your thoughts, your passion...

It would be my elation and great satisfaction...

So many love you...

Jovial eyes and jubilant smiles - the wonder of many

Small in stature, but your pride - incomparable!

Yet you're meek; your humbleness shown.  

When you speak, words take on a whole new meaning...

Fill my head with thoughts and ideas, overflowing...

Stun me to silence; into deep meditation and I ponder.

The inconceivable - that is you - leaves me seeking

Seeking to unlock the mystery of you - of myself...

You see, this love for you is respect for you...

How else could I say this, if not for love?
This is my tribute...

May the walls whisper your name

and the wind, echo in the distance...

As your voice carries... your words will travel.

For this is why love is bestowed on you

An ode...

Embracing you - 

You inject and penetrate the heart where love is found...

~Silhouette of a man~
... your shadow lives!

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2010