2nd Oct. 2011
In this head space I write when thoughts float like words flow -
When feelings and belief counteract and I'm left to debate: What if?
You see this mindscape draws into the subconscious realm;
where reason and logic do not coincide, yet faith draws me to believe.
and I believe many things and one thing.
I ascribe to one that is true to me in my waking moments and as real to me in my dreams.
I do believe...
'Though, the mind wars against itself when left to contemplate and I retaliate because...
I feel.
Wishing to go numb sometimes to protect this force field - my heart...
For I cannot remain mum to these things, when the heart beats to be free...
and what more can it want than to love...
For love evokes more than mere hormones.
Releases more than just serotonin...
'Cause this love moves this being to love...
and I love because of love.
but fear hinders, pain incinerates the core...
What's left is a gapping hole that needs to be filled.
Who can replace what is pure?
Who can see love and know love, if love is to exist freely?
Yet the mind ponders on the 5 Ws
Who will love?
What will it bring?
When shall it return?
Where has it gone to?
Why can't love just be love?
and the answer remains a mystery (...for the whole needs to be sustained)
...maybe when love is true
it shall find you, where the heart resides.
Thoughts are endless, so I write to disperse these words to roam.
Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2011

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