So many of us are spinning; round and round on a Merry go round
The world's got us on ecstacy and we're high! Believing we could fly and touch the sky... if we could jus'...
Reach for the stars. Pursue your dreams... No! Pursue him. Pursue her.
Want to live someone else's reality... Yes? could you walk in the shoes that they wear?
Could you bear the inner soles below your feet? Does it fit?
Do you know his story or her story? Do you know the history of that man or woman you choose to envy or emulate?
But round and round you go on a Merry go round.
With fables and half truths... AND smiles for miles...
The world is oblivious to you...
So smile back! Cheers!
It's your time to shine, you see...
Forget about we...
Forget about building a legacy for our generation.
Forget about the journey it took to get there.
It's ME! It's ME! It's ME!
Didn't you get the memo: It's all about ME!
You see the place on top only has one spot...
and I'll be damned if YOU get there...
Last one there is a rotten egg...
and the stench of rotten egg lingers: Who then wants to be a rotten egg?
Rumours and more rumours...
"Rumours they spreading... So let them talk... keep them talking!"
Who say publicity stunt?
Push one man or woman down, another will rise!
The I in I... Too much I
i am but one among many...
In a vicious circle of crossed eye, cut eye and bad eye...
Mafia on the loose!
Devour you...
Devour de I...
For the strongman must survive!
Who is fit and equipped to realise the truth... You've been fooled...
Who knows? Delilah woos and all men drools as she draws them into her web of deceit.
Success is a great feat but remember: It's a rat race...
No room for defeat.
So buckle up. This is going to be a long ride... [But safety first]
The world has road rage and is speeding straight ahead...
Which side you're on?
Passenger or driver?
Are you in for the ride?
...on the highway to...???
[Flat line]
Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2012

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