19th Dec. 2011
So the stories have been told
The things of old are now past and the year, soon shall come to its end -
To make way for the new...
and what shall these last few days signify?
Will it be a time for reflecting? For kindness? For sharing?
Will mistakes be forgiven? Will time be the healing balm?
Will everyone fall in love all over again?
Will every man, woman and child be one...
Will there be change or will everything remain the same?
Cause what's special about a new day anyway?
Well, all I'll say is: Time.
We've all lost many loved ones...
Those who've passed on to...
Those who've left us for...
Those who never knew...
We've all lost... but in many ways, we've gain.
Life's lessons have taught us, have strengthen and groomed us...
To deal with pain, heartache and sorrow...
Life has given us room to grow...
To experience tears of joy and great sadness...
Life has.
Life has opened and closed doors for us...
Allowed us to make friends and break up just the same.
Life has helped us create lasting bonds and fond memories...
We have so much to be thankful for...

I am thankful for newborns;
For joy and laughter;
For wisdom and virtue;
For success and failure... I give thanks...
For the learning continues.
For new aquaintances and old ones too... may the journey be what it needs to be...
May each day granted be fulfilling - for all we need is so much...
All there is - is time... to get it right. To find out what is and isn't worthwhile...
All you have is time and that time is: Now.
Do for you what is for you and allow God's guidance to carry you the rest of the way.
Life is for living... so make it... and live and let live...
There's only one judge.
Let the light so shine in you... Be guided unto the right path...
Change is personal...
Live one day at a time and make each day count!
Rachael N. Collymore, © 2011

"The great blessing of mankind is within us and within our reach; but we shut our eyes, and like people in the dark, we fall foul upon the very thing we search for, without finding it." ~ Seneca
"The boundaries which divide life from death
are at best shadowy and vague.
Who shall say where one ends,
and the other begins?"
Edgar Alan Poe

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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