18th Nov. 2011
We take for granted the little things in life that we possess...
From the blinking of eyes, one's sight to see a sunrise; a special moment... to
hearing the sound of laughter, a lover's breath or even the tenderness and comfort of a baby's voice...
Yes, we take for granted the little, seemingly unimportant things...
For every waking moment to every night's rest, we are blessed - and fortunate.
For every obstacle, every setback, all the hurts, pains and regrets that we have faced -
we are blessed... One day to hope for, one day to see change, one day to step forward...
one day to replace yesterday and see possibility, opportunity.
Life can be many things and for some the road travelled is not smoothe and well paved, but
rough, jaggered and bumpy...
It may be uncomfortable, unbearable or torturous - even burdensome...
It's worth the fight you put into it
It's worth a thousand smiles and teardrops when it feels right...
It's worth a lifetime of good fortune...
It's worth an eternity...
... through heartbreaks and sadness...
Love - meaningful - in the arms of warmth and a lover's kiss.
It's worth that lasting embrace...
It's worth every moment of success - that feeling of accomplishment...
That rush of exhiliration coursing through veins.
To experience it all is indeed a blessing to cherish and live for...
and for the next... and the next... and the next...
I wouldn't trade a moment that brought me to this point...

Life's achievements may not be the 'finer things in life', the glitz, the glam or the fame...
For even with all those things, if gained... it can be meaningless without the people to share it with.
Life is about you, it's about me, it's about we and the bricks it takes to build a sturdy home -
the foundation and bedrock of any society...
Life can only be worth it, if it is filled with love shared and transferred through the lives that make up this life...
The unit. The family. The people. The bond...
Life is a blessing, so count them all - for each life is meaningful and so are you.
Life is many things but without 'you' in it: it's pointless!
"I live for today, this day, this moment, right now and I see and have love..."~RC

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2011
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