Monday, December 19, 2011

This time...

19th Dec. 2011

So the stories have been told

The things of old are now past and the year, soon shall come to its end -

To make way for the new... 

and what shall these last few days signify?

Will it be a time for reflecting? For kindness? For sharing?

Will mistakes be forgiven? Will time be the healing balm?

Will everyone fall in love all over again?

Will every man, woman and child be one...

Will there be change or will everything remain the same?

Cause what's special about a new day anyway?

Well, all I'll say is: Time.

We've all lost many loved ones...

Those who've passed on to...

Those who've left us for...

Those who never knew...

We've all lost... but in many ways, we've gain.

Life's lessons have taught us, have strengthen and groomed us...

To deal with pain, heartache and sorrow...

Life has given us room to grow...

To experience tears of joy and great sadness...

Life has.

Life has opened and closed doors for us...

Allowed us to make friends and break up just the same.

Life has helped us create lasting bonds and fond memories...

We have so much to be thankful for...

I am thankful for newborns;

For joy and laughter;

For wisdom and virtue;

For success and failure... I give thanks...

For the learning continues.

For new aquaintances and old ones too... may the journey be what it needs to be...

May each day granted be fulfilling - for all we need is so much...

All there is - is time... to get it right. To find out what is and isn't worthwhile...

All you have is time and that time is: Now.

Do for you what is for you and allow God's guidance to carry you the rest of the way.

Life is for living... so make it... and live and let live...

There's only one judge.

Let the light so shine in you... Be guided unto the right path...

Change is personal... 

Live one day at a time and make each day count!

Rachael N. Collymore, © 2011

"The great blessing of mankind is within us and within our reach; but we shut our eyes, and like people in the dark, we fall foul upon the very thing we search for, without finding it." Seneca

"The boundaries which divide life from death
are at best shadowy and vague.
Who shall say where one ends,
and the other begins?"
Edgar Alan Poe

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Registered & Protected

Friday, November 18, 2011

Life to me...

18th Nov. 2011

We take for granted the little things in life that we possess...

From the blinking of eyes, one's sight to see a sunrise; a special moment... to

hearing the sound of laughter, a lover's breath or even the tenderness and comfort of a baby's voice...

Yes, we take for granted the little, seemingly unimportant things...

For every waking moment to every night's rest, we are blessed - and fortunate. 

For every obstacle, every setback, all the hurts, pains and regrets that we have faced -

we are blessed... One day to hope for, one day to see change, one day to step forward...

one day to replace yesterday and see possibility, opportunity.

Life can be many things and for some the road travelled is not smoothe and well paved, but
rough, jaggered and bumpy...

It may be uncomfortable, unbearable or torturous - even burdensome... 


It's worth the fight you put into it

It's worth a thousand smiles and teardrops when it feels right...

It's worth a lifetime of good fortune...

It's worth an eternity...

... through heartbreaks and sadness... 


Love - meaningful - in the arms of warmth and a lover's kiss.

It's worth that lasting embrace...

It's worth every moment of success - that feeling of accomplishment...

That rush of exhiliration coursing through veins.

To experience it all is indeed a blessing to cherish and live for...

and for the next... and the next... and the next...

I wouldn't trade a moment that brought me to this point... 


Life's achievements may not be the 'finer things in life', the glitz, the glam or the fame...

For even with all those things, if gained... it can be meaningless without the people to share it with.

Life is about you, it's about me, it's about we and the bricks it takes to build a sturdy home - 

the foundation and bedrock of any society... 

Life can only be worth it, if it is filled with love shared and transferred through the lives that make up this life...

The unit. The family. The people. The bond...

Life is a blessing, so count them all - for each life is meaningful and so are you. 

Life is many things but without 'you' in it: it's pointless!

"I live for today, this day, this moment, right now and I see and have love..."~RC

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2011 Registered & Protected

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Finally, I began to exhale...

and with each breath, words escaped

Thoughts... freed from my mind's captivity

Breathed... Realising the essence and substance of its content.

Every word spoken.

Every dream dreamt.

Every thought... possibility.

and not to linger long

a seed was planted 

an idea borne

from the depths within

rising from the pit of my belly

grew reality.


Fields of plenty...

Yielded - the overflow.


Forever steadfast and unwaivering

Faith became evident.

The product, seen...

There's nothing like impossible


...and I believed

Tasted it.

Sensed it.

Grasped it...

Every word spoken.

Every dream dreamt.

Every thought... possibility.



I believed and...


Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2011 Registered & Protected

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Turn On

You can't live without it

When the rhythm creeps in... seeps through pores - into veins - sizzling

It's that thing you do when the beat takes over - body's outta control

This soul is re-awakened; electrified and energised.

It feels like music... 

That slow creeper, intoxifying your being...

Natural high.

The best turn on... turn it up - feel the rush.

Don't mind it; groove with it... 

Ride it.

These brain cells will praise you for the release.

Let's dance to it. Move!

One... Two...

Music flows effortlessly from body to soul

and this vibration courses through and through. flow with it.

Let Go!

Feels like music.

Synchronised for the perfect symphony...

In this zone, experience the tempo - that treble, that bass.

Crooners come alive and bodies liquify...

So dance to it.

With the right tune, the right mix and blend...

It's on...

Let the music transcend.

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© Registered & Protected

In this Life...

We've battled with ourselves on this winding road called, life.

We've fought wars in our minds and mindlessly, we have wandered...

At times, madness seems to be the only refuge and solace, insanity...

We struggle to hold on to a belief that we can, that we will, that we must...

We struggle to connect the dots along the way.

The drive and push seems to come from deep within, to propel us onward.

Yet, the God-in-man seems elusive... to some

This skin that houses me; this flesh that feels so much...

So much pain and turmoil, so much annoyance, seems to put a wager on us:

Who will you believe? Why would you believe? Why should you...?

Let's be 'realistic'... and the agony of the mind screams for the day of reckoning.

Though the heart, sometimes weak, thrives on a belief...

A belief that there maybe or indeed, there is...

Pain and anger, the stimulus... always seem to hold us to ransom...

Who's got the bargaining chips?

... the pendulum hooks the waivering eye... Transfixed.

Left to right; left or right... 

All this is, is what is in this existence: Life.

What do you acclaim to it? What purpose do you attribute?

There are those who 'live' it, merrily and like an ecstacy drug, they escape it...

For if life is escapism, why then should you live? 

Oh but so many desire to be free...

To be freed...

Freedom. Who is free?

The happy go lucky, the girls who love fun or the guys who're in it for the ride...?

Sometimes, madness is the only escape from 'life' - IF - life is just that... 

So why open your eyes to a new day, if the day is not yours? 

Why toil continuously... 

There must be... 

We've  become tone deaf...

We've become accustomed to the noise...

So many voices... So many words... 

Who can hear?

In silence... what is heard?

We can be our greatest hindrance

We can be the greatest... 

but for whose esteem?

...Life is fickle

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2011 Registered & Protected

Monday, August 15, 2011


It's the dawning and for many, the dawning will elude them.

Wondering what has struck them and shocked them into this state of awareness... 

It's the dawning... 

When you'd reach the point of no return, stare a man in the eye and scare him to retreat

When friends become foes and trust turns to deceit, in an effort to compete...

and all skin teeth and grin would turn to frown, cause this aint nothing to smile about.

It's the dawning...

One day you'll wake up and realise that you're alone in this world and that the rat race was always real and the heart of man is full of greed...

One day you'll awaken to the realisation that slavery was NEVER abolished because man's still enslaved by his mental state, or lack of mental consciousness.

And his own zeal to make it on Mazlow's heirachy of needs to self actualisation...

You will recognise that those who spout words of a revolution, of freedom and unity... those who stir your soul and moved you to dance through the rhythm of music never believed in the fight but persuaded you still to follow for the fame and glory of it all...

One day you'll watch yourself in the mirror and realise that you're a dead man, because the mob will condemn you;

The mob of your peers, friends and brothers will convict you because of the words you speak.

One day you'll recognise that to stand for something, ties must be broken for it's a lonely road...

It is the dawning of a new day, of a new era, of a new stage: Within the warzone.

At this point you will stop and look at your neighbour...

Who will defend you? Who will believe you? Who will stand with you?

The day has come when many will hate you and not know why.

Maybe one day the world will stop and the horror will confront them:

Someone has played a sick joke on mankind...

Man's worst fear would be his own suicide...

Until the last line is written and all is revealed you will wonder until it's too late.


Es el amanecer y, para muchos, el amanecer huirá de ellos.

¿Se pregunta qué les ha golpeado y sorprendido que en este estado de conciencia ...

Es el amanecer ...

Cuando me llegue al punto de no retorno, la mirada de un hombre a los ojos yasustar a retirarse

Cuando los amigos se los enemigos y vuelve a confiar en el engaño, en un esfuerzo por competir ...

y toda la piel los dientes y la sonrisa a su vez de fruncir el ceño, porque esto noes nada para sonreír.

Es el amanecer ...

Un día vas a despertar y darse cuenta de que estás solo en este mundo y quela carrera de ratas siempre fue real y que el corazón del hombre está lleno decodicia ...

Un día te despierte a la conciencia de que la esclavitud nunca fue abolida, porque el hombre sigue siendo esclavo de su estado mental, o la falta deconciencia mental.

y de alta

Usted reconoce que aquellos que declaman palabras de una revolución, de la libertad y la unidad ... aquellos que agitar al alma y que a la danza a través del ritmo de la música no creía en la lucha, pero convencido de que todavía a seguir para la fama y la gloria de todo eso ...

Un día te vas a ver en el espejo y darse cuenta de que eres un hombre muerto a causa de la mafia se te condeno;

La multitud de tus compañeros, amigos y hermanos le condena por las palabras que usted habla.

Un día te reconocen que para representar algo, hay que romper los lazos ya que es un camino solitario ...

Es el amanecer de un nuevo día, de una nueva era, de una nueva etapa: Dentro de la zona de guerra.

En este punto se detiene y mira a tu vecino ...

¿Quién va a defender? ¿Quién va a creer? ¿Quién va con vosotros?

Ha llegado el día en que muchos le odian y no sabes por qué

Tal vez algún día el mundo se detendrá y el horror les manifestará:

Alguien ha jugado una broma de mal en la humanidad ...

Peor temor del hombre sería su propio suicidio ...

Hasta la última línea está escrito y todo se revela usted se preguntará hastaque sea demasiado tarde.


Written by: Rachael N. Collymore

© 2011 Registered & Protected

It was spoken as it was written...

These are the symptoms of a restless and Babylonian state

These are the words that scream in your ear

These are the eyes that burn into yours... eyes of fear, 

Eyes that stare into the distance...

These are the voices you hear in your head
Over and Over and Over again...

These are the lines... 

The writings on the wall of time - 

Lines of repetition.

These are the pictures you see in your dreams

Nightmares... Flashing images that haunt your sleep.

These are the dry bones that remain...

Cobeaus lurk, vultures...

These are the symptoms... 

Battered and bruised...

Scarred and abused.

Bloodshed and envy

Wars for no cause

Wars of sorrow

Wars never-ending

Starving babies, 


Refugees and Politicians

Gunshots and bulletshells

Headlines: Woman gone missing

Child gone missing

Buggered, molested, tortured.

Unexplained deaths

Negligent doctors

Irresponsible parents

Irresponsible media owners

Irresponsible citizens

This is the newscast today

This is your forecast

This is you on the front page

This is your friend 6ft under

These are your fruitless tears 

These are your hands stained with blood.

These are your words of pain, of regret, of shame.

These are your lies that confront you.

These are your seeds, sown...

These are your fields, go reap!

This is your guilty conscience 
daring you to pull the trigger 

Figure it out... 

This is your contract 

Sign on the dotted line

Sign the release.

There's a price on your head.

Don't pray now 

Don't beg for mercy

This is your verdict.

This is your judgement.

The sentence is read and it's death!

The grave is waiting to consume your soul.

These are the forbidden words, spoken.

No remorse granted...

This is your conscience speaking - echoing

For all the lives lost,

For all the stolen souls,

For all the murdered innocence.

Here's your retribution...

This one is for you.

"When the world says peace, it's time for war!"

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore

©2011 Registered & Protected