For who are we but dust
Blowing here and there
Blowing wherever the wind decides...
It is so when dust settles on old fortune,
Memories capsuled
Frozen in time, only to be unlocked momentarily
Yes it's those memories etched in the fine lines
Of dimpled smiles or in the corner of bright twinkling eyes
That remember...
Or the ones that leave deep impressions on foreheads of longing...
For one moment to turn the hands of time back...
Back to when, just to experience it once again
So they may hold on for a little while...
To drift, like dust in the wind
Blissful and free...
Yes it's those memories we desire
For life to be worthwhile
For life to be eternal
These are the memories
The heart keeps beating for
And why every breath is taken
Because we dared to love and to live
For this is what life's about...
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