A s I turned to the sunset I saw your
B ack dipping below the horizon and barely
C ounted the swiftness of your
D eparture a millisecond as my
E yes washed my cheeks with salt water
F lowing while the pain kept on
G rowing as the sunset that evening…the
H orizon became my dreaded enemy
I nfuriating an already exasperated
G uy who lost his love for no reason.
J ust like that she went away but forgot to
K iss me goodbye…that was the
L ast time I saw the sunset as
M y sorrow of losing you was
N ow absorbed with my distracted
O bsession with the horizon since I
P rojected my pain unto it but in a
Q ueer way thoughts of you still lingered
R esting on the frontal lobes of my mind
T ransforming all forms of hate into
U nadulterated love for you so although you
V anished I still saw you and became brain
W ashed by mere remnants of you…I
‘X –press my love for no else since I will love
Y ou alone… Regardless of what I am now a
Z ealot enthusiastically dedicated to loving you.
Copyright Abioye Munashe 2011
A nswers I seek this day you left me
B ehind and went your way, never to return
C ause you didn't see me, as I saw you
D ivine soul of light that reflected on my heart
E ffervescent, alive and a part of me - you
F ulfilled in me and I in you..
H ow I longed for this feeling to go for
I was never yours and you were never mine
J aded am I because I trusted you
K ept you in my thoughts with the dawn of
L ight - caressing your face
M y heart is now filled with sorrow
N ow that you're gone
O nly your scent remains and I'm a
P risoner to your faint presence -
Q uailing beneath your shadow;
R emnants of an absent you...
S orrow has become my new friend -
T omorrow can wait a little longer
U ntil I fade; until there's no more you, your
V ows broken in the dew of the morning
W hile I pray for sunlight to
'X onerate me from the pain
Y ou gave as your inheritance, for
Z ion waits to deliver me...
© 2011 - Rachael N. Collymore
A ll the time I answered you
B ut you ignored me and
C ontinuously complained to your girl friends
D estroying my manhood leaving me
E masculated but I still begged for your
F orgiveness to no avail I became frustrated asking
G od to give the strength to love you
H ow he loves me…unconditionally…
I talked…you nagged but still your
K inship through marriage was all I
L onged for and wanted you to be
M ines and for your ears to connect to my
N etwork so you will be connected
O nly to me Like TSTT hearing clearly and forgetting what distorted
P eople say or people think since you are my
Q ueen…oh I wish you would be…
R emember the day we met…
S tare only at the positives and listen to
T he sweet tunes of our friendship so you will
U ncover deeply in your heart that you
V ehemently love me…obey your
W ishes to come back to me…
‘X’ we shall no longer be but
Y ou will be mines and I yours for a
Zillion years.
Copyright Abioye Munashe 2011
A bounding in love was the motto
B elieving in truth was the key to
C omplete us; two souls
D estined to be one for all
E ternity was the plan
F orever abiding in His
G race did He give you to me
H eaven could have waited to
I ntrude in our lives...
K eeper of the gates,
L overs and friends we were
M eant for each other, for
N o one could have separated this love
O wing that we were faithful to this cause
P urposed in the mission to Love for Love, this
Q uest has just begun, but you must
R emember...
S trife and
T ribulations may come and go but
U nless you remain focused, you won't be
V ictorious.. our love is more than a
W ish, it's a walk through faith
'X ceeding the unexpected...
Y ield not for we are strong, don't faint - be
Z ealous and bold for love everlasting.
© 2011 - Rachael N. Collymore
A las you see the light
B e bold my love and
C ome follow your heart
D estined to be mines
E nough is enough
F orever and ever we are
G oing to be like
H elping hands for each other
I nvisible to critiques of
J ealous souls envious of our love...
K ing and Queen we shall be
L iving in sovereignty
N o longer daunted by
O bservers but focused on our
P urpose
Q uestioning our souls no more
R esting in the comfort of each others arms
T rusing in God and so our
U dying love would be
V iable of outlasting this
W orld
‘X ceeding the unexpected as
Y ou rightly said
Z ion will embrace our love.
Copyright Abioye Munashe 2011
A s time goes by we will
B ecome a perfect soul
C ocooned by a love that
D efies limited
E mbossed in intimacy
F uelled by a desire to please non-other we
G ravitate to our eternal flame
H idden from scrutiny, we
I ndulge in the
J oys of Holy matrimony; sealed with a
K iss, we bond ourselves to
L ove
M erged together
N estled by
O ur longing.
P assion fuelled by passion, we
Q uench our thirst
R ighteously defined and blessed
S anctioned by Him for lovers, we
T ake full advantage of this love
U nified, sanctified
V alidated by Love
W e copulate our vow to each other
'X alted and in reverence.. we are
Y oked; tied and wrapped up - our
Z eal undenied and satisfied.
© 2011 - Rachael N. Collymore
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