Saturday, August 21, 2010

Papa San "Higher Heights"


If words could heal like hands do

If it could mend the wounds and heal the scars

If nothing at all could be said and yet, everything spoken...

If these vibrations could conquer a heart, dry a tear's drop,

turn a frown upside down, 

make the fiery tirade stop and diffuse all agony;

how then will I inspire thee?

Touched by every conceivable object - 

this wave, a wave of unrelenting emotion

mixed with all fleshly feeling, crashes at the shore...

Out of balance,

upside down and in a tidal undertaking,

this buoyancy evokes all senses,

ignites the passion in me to write...

It's relevancy is what irks me, yet

the inspiration to heal myself through words,

ideas and thoughts move me again and again.

Free me... Heal me...

These words speak to me 

Echo my plight from dawn to night...

Therefore, I must write this, if I am to be freed of myself...
to be me...

To find peace... (Maslow was right!)

Releasing all expressions - no indigestion here,

for my soul is free at last!

Clearing my head's space for new creations to emerge...

Sparking nerve endings, fuelling the incentive...

The mind can take so much and so much alone - for brain overload.

Every touch of life's shower sends an outpouring...

If one word could change all this,

If one word could counteract all other words,

If one word could make all things stop,

Then this word would be...

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2010

Where loyalties lie...

In the movement of time

We walk along the same line

Hand in hand, in stride

Our dreams collide.

Fates mapped out

Plans set 

all links check; our lives coincide

For we are kindred spirits 

Our purpose unite...

Side by side and in full flight

To our destiny or so it seemed -

Five, ten, twelve years ahead 

Our tomorrows no longer seem the same

No longer do we dream the same dreams

Share the same hopes and aspirations

Or walk along the same road as we used to

All seems dead... ended by a time passed

A life lived...

The world no longer seems to be the place we dreamt it to be.

Society has changed gears, shifted our plans as years compiled...

Things that we believed we could attain in our universe, moved to a distant place.

For we were the product of our imagination, 

Where dreams were spawn and promises kept 

For such was our destiny; such was the fate of you and me...

Gravity struck hard and with each blow on earth's concrete core,

I remembered, before adulthood - my childhood

I remembered where I wanted to be now

I remembered our dreams, the promises, the laughter before 

the dawning of reality - whatever is reality...

Yes, I remembered you, 

I remembered me... 

I remembered... we.




There was a time when all this was real to you, to me.

In this growing stage we call life...

In this age of time -

The day of reckoning comes

And the promise therein...

Ushering hope and dreams in abundance

To bridge the gap between time and distance...

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Your music

I need to hear the music, so that I may sing
A new song... the words circulating in my head, I could no longer contain
For you I will sing, a love anew and of the joy you bring

Praises unto thee, lifted high to the Most High King
Sovereign, eternal God and Father - You alone reign...
I need to hear the music, so that I may sing...

Of your love, of your grace and majesty never abating
Forever, always - I surrender to you - My life will never be the same!
Lord, for you I will sing, a love anew and of the joy you bring.

Your mercies are new every morning; a peace within me, stirring,
For you are my refuge, my sanctuary, my solace... Your Spirit is my burning flame...
Let me hear the music Lord, so that I may sing

I can sing for you; serenading you with songs of praise and worship; exalting
Hands raised - I proclaim in your name and unashamed...
For you I will sing, a love anew and of the joy you bring.

To me you are awesome! Your love eternally abounding
In me, you reside; for me, you came...
It is for this reason, I need to hear the music, so that I may sing...
No greater honour than to sing for you; a love anew and of the joy you bring!

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
© 2010