Saturday, March 7, 2015


(for ‪#‎WomensHistoryMonth‬ ‪#‎WomensDay‬)

A nurturer, a lover, a mother - blessed is her womb...
For she brings life into this world... Wom[b]an
She is wise, she is strong, she is fierce, she is meek
Her name is royal; her worth, priceless...
Many have knelt before her; been wooed by her -
blessed by the many virtues, she possesses...
Who is she? She is... Wom(b)an!
Take pride in her stride
In her poise, in her grace and in her gaze...
Listen to the wisdom in her words
For her words are not fickle -
They are like droplets of water
sprinkling on her seedlings for them to grow...

Look to her, she is Queen

She is Wom(b)an!

Written by: Rachael N. Collymore
Poetic Vibes

(photo source: 'I Love Being Black') Registered & Protected