Sunday, February 14, 2010

My poetry, my words...

I take the time to write this...

Carefully, slowly, intensely...

Line by line to unravel these words in my soul

For my heart has felt many things, many emotions

My lips have spoken words, endless...

Countless times, words flow from my mouth

Some, a sweet savour, others, bitter...

Cutting the very fabric of a relationship or

wounding the heart of a friendship...

My words erupt from within

Speaking my life as it is,

Sharing my hopes and dreams

Even revealing my pain at times...

For as a poet, I write

I tell the tale of many who wished or dared to echo the same

I pour out what I can no longer contain...

Reaching out to you to give console...

Reaching out for a hand to hold...

Words are my ministry...

The good and the bad, spoken

The beautiful and the ugly, written...

I try to tell no lies for the truth is my freedom

Yet there are times I must apologise to those I may have hurt along the way...

There are many things in life that spark a reaction

and at the spur of the moment, hastily, wisdom is forgotten.

But with great humility we learn to apologise,

in the hope of forgiveness along the way...

It is this quality we nurture and cherish to perfect us day by day.

We learn and we grow

We live and let live

For in these times our spirits soar

that our faith may live and not die

and our joy, full...

So I write on the pages of life,

The memories that live on beyond its existence...

In remembrance of the good times shared...

I write my poetry, my words to you...


Written by: Rachael N. Collymore

© 2010